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Personnel Committee Minutes 02/07/08
Meeting Minutes of February 7, 2008 @ 8:00 a.m.
placePlaceNameChilmark PlaceTypeTown Hall

MEMBERS PRESENT:   PersonNameJennie Greene, Chairperson; Susan Heilbron,
                                          PersonNameRichard Williams, PersonNameMax McCreery, and
                                         Steve Lewenberg (by conference call),
       ALSO PRESENT:    J B Riggs Parker, BOS liaison; PersonNamePolly McDowell, Staff liaison,
                                        and PersonNameChristina Soulagnet, Administrative Assistant

PersonNameJennie Greene, chairperson, opened the meeting at 8:10 a.m.

The board reviewed the meeting minutes of January 10, 2008.  Susan moved, Richard seconded and all members approved the minutes as amended.  

The board reviewed the meeting minutes of January 17, 2008.  Richard moved, Susan seconded and all members approved the minutes as presented.  Max abstained.

The board reviewed an email message from PersonNameTim Carroll stating that the building inspector has changed his published hours to Wednesdays and Saturdays only - no Mondays.  The building inspector's position is a salary-exempt position, which does not require the employee to work a specific number of days and hours but rather work a set schedule so he is available to the public.  The challenge here is that the position requires office hours and inspection hours, which are difficult to define.  The Executive Secretary and the Board of Selectmen need to determine the number of hours needed to service the town and enforce that.  Polly stated that it would be helpful for Lenny to inform Town Hall when he is leaving to go on inspections and when or if he will be back.  

After the discussion, the Personnel Board referred this issue to the Board of Selectmen.   Riggs stated he would speak to Lenny and clarify his working hours.  In addition, the Personnel Board requested that the Executive Secretary include the working hours of all employees in the Annual Town Report, but state that the hours are subject to change.

Richard would like to discuss alternative meeting dates and requested to put this item on a meeting agenda in the near future.

The board reviewed the annual town report and suggested minor revisions.  Christina was asked to revise the document per the board's comments and forward to PersonNameTim Carroll.

The board suggested that all references made to the Mass. General Law should include a statement saying, "as amended from time to time".  If the placeStateMass. General Law changes, the document would not need to go to Town meeting for approval.

Section 11 Grievance Procedure
The board discussed putting the grievance procedure in the Procedure Manual.  The Personnel Board would need to adopt the policy and then it could be taken out of the Bylaws and put into the Procedure Manual.
Section 1.3 Definitions
The definition of Evaluator needs to be included.

Final Revised Bylaw
The final revised Personnel Bylaw will be forwarded to the Board of Selectmen for their review.  At that time, the Personnel Board will request PersonNameTim Carroll to review the final document and provide comments/corrections at a Personnel Board meeting.  

Town Meeting
The board discussed the process for presenting the revised Personnel Bylaws at town meeting and agreed that the supporting Procedure Manual needs to accompany the Bylaws document; however, the Town only needs to approve the Bylaws.

Complete Revised Bylaw Draft 2
Christina will provide a revised Personnel Bylaw Draft 2, which will incorporate all comments, changes, and notations made by the Board.

The Personnel Board's next meeting is Thursday, February 21, 2008 at 8:00 a.m.
The Board asked if there would be a quorum for the March 6 meeting.  Christina will poll the board members to see if members can meet on Monday, March 3, or Tuesday, March 4, at 8:00 a.m.
With no further business to discuss, Jennie adjourned the meeting at 10:08 a.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted by PersonNameChristina Soulagnet, Administrative Assistant.